Individual Report

I have done research on how your job impacts your happiness. I have figured out that it’s intrinsically human to want to feel you’re adding value, whether you work at a fast food restaurant or are a brain surgeon, and knowing that your job is important boosts your self-worth. When you leave university, the chances are you’re probably not too sure what to do with your life. Obviously factors such as how much money you make are going to influence your happiness – if you don’t make enough to support yourself and your family, you won’t be happy no matter what you’re doing for a living. 

There haven’t been many difficulties in this project so far, besides for the fact that the Facebook Page was not working out so we switched over to an Instagram account to display our project and make it easier to spread the word.

The highlight of my learning was that if you know that your job is important and makes a difference in the world, then you are happier. If you think that your job is not important to the world and doesn’t make a difference, then you are less likely to be happy and would probably be mad or gloomy at work as well.

In the future, I am going to work on the Instagram Page, by trying to spread the word and getting as many followers as possible, and making it so that there are more and more people coming and following this Instagram account. I am also going to post important and related things on this account making the Instagram account better and I am also going to work on making the Instagram account look more appealing.

We are trying to achieve 500+ followers on Instagram, and to achieve that we are going to try to spread the word and trying to get as many followers as possible on the Instagram page so more people could see what we are posting.

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